Villa Lorenzo Public Resort
203 interests from United Kingdom, China, United States, etc.
Property Details
Sunday - Thursday:
Day: 8:00AM-4:00PM
Night: 2:00AM -10:00Pm
Friday - Saturday
Day: 8:00AM-4:00PM
Night: 2:00AM -10:00PM
Overnight: 8:00PM - 6:00AM
Entrance Fee: 250/ head for Adults and Kids:
Minors/18 years and below are allowed, and should be accompanied by Parents or Legal Guardians.
10 guests 700.00
15 guests 900.00
20 guests 1,200.00
20 guests 1,300.00
Overnight every Friday to Saturday ONLY: 250/head
from 8:00pm to 6:00am the next morning.
Rates/12 hours
Regular Rooms (single Bed) 2,000
VIP Rooms (Single Bed) 3,000
VIP Rooms (Twin Bed) 4,000
for reservations call us at 09175299310
posted by bot 2 years ago
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