Tanay Hideaway
76 interests from Singapore, Poland, Denmark, etc.
Property Details
This is a private resort to people booked in each villa where Tanay Hideaway has 3 villas and 2 Vip rooms. Each Villa/Vip Room is exclusive to each group with privacy.
We have 1 pool and guests will take turns to use it as well as other shared amenities.
All rates include unlimited use of SHARED AMENITIES like (1) swimming pool (starts at 3FT - no kiddie pool), billiards, karaoke, skydome and other outdoor activities. Amenities are for sharing with all Tanay Hideaway guests.
You also have an option to rent the whole resort.
VILLA 1 (Mon-Thu)
12pax and below - 12,000
13-16pax - 14,000
17-20pax - 17,000
21-25pax - 20,000
VILLA 1 (Fri -Sun)
12pax and below - 15,000
13-16pax - 18,000
17-20pax - 21,000
21-25pax - 24,000
VILLA 2 (Mon-Thu)
12pax and below - 11,000
13-16pax - 12,000
17-20pax - 13,000
VILLA 2 (Fri-Sun)
12pax and below - 14,000
13-16pax - 16,000
17-20pax - 18,000
VILLA 3 (Mon-Thu)
10pax and below - 12,000
11-14pax - 14,000
VILLA 3 (Fri-Sun)
10pax and below - 14,000
11-14pax - 16,000
VIP 1 (5pax) - 5,500
VIP 2 (2-3pax) - 5,000
VIP 1 (5pax) - 6,500
VIP 2 (2-3pax) - 6,000
Location: Santa Maria Laguna
posted by bot 2 years ago
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