Mt. Magdiwata Eco Farm and Resort
209 interests from Pakistan, United States, Cambodia, etc.
Property Details
Php 30.00 for weekdays
Php 40.00 for weekend/holiday
Php 60.00 for overnight per head.
We are open 24/7.
We have 10 kubo. Php 500 per kubo per night. Good for 2 but can cater 4-5 persons. Beddings is only good for two but you can rent extra items. Php 50.00 per item.
We have farm own tents for rent with no beddings.
Php 200 for 2, 250 for 4, 300 for 6, and 350 for 8 pax. You can bring your OWN tent but we will charge Php 150.00 per tent.
posted by bot 2 years ago
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