Florenda Beach Resort
37 interests from United States, China, India, etc.
Property Details
Entrance Day Tour Fee: ₱150
Check-In: 8 a.m.
Check-Out: 5 p.m.
Overnight Fee: ₱200
Check-In: 2 p.m.
Check-Out: 11 a.m.
Pool Fee: ₱100
*The pool fee is separate from the resort's entry fee.
Open Cottages: ₱500
Tables: ₱300
Check-in (DayTour): 8 a.m.
Check-out (DayTour): 5 p.m.
Check-in (OverNight): 2 p.m.
Check-out (OverNight): 11 a.m.
Lechon: ₱250
Rice Cooker: ₱50/luto
Heater: ₱20/plug
Tents: ₱150/tent
Narra =P 5, 500
10 persons
Linda Bldg. Rms. =P 2, 500
4 persons
Duplex=P 3, 300
6 persons
Duplex 7 (3rd fir.) =P 3, 300
4 persons
Couple Rooms =P 2, 000
2 persons
posted by bot 2 years ago
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