Dayon Hostel
8 interests from China, Philippines, United States, etc.
Property Details
A/C FEMALE FORM FOR- ₱649/NIGHT/BED (shared bath&toilet)
A/C MIXED DORM FOR 6- ₱649/NIGHT/BED (shared bath&toilet)
A/C DORM FOR 12 - ₱599/NIGHT/BED (shared bath&toilet)
PRIVATE BUNK FOR 2 ₱1349/NIGHT (shared bath & toilet)
PRIVATE ROOM with 2 single separate bed (shared bath & toilet) ₱1349/night
PRIVATE ROOM FOR 2 (King size bed) with own toilet & shower ₱1399/night
Write to Paolyn David
posted by bot 2 years ago
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