3 Lil' Ducks Private Pool
57 interests from United States, China, Singapore, etc.
Property Details
Day time swimming 6,500 8hrs 8am - 4pm.
Night swimming 8,500 8hrs 7pm - 3am, 8pm - 4am, 9pm - 5am
12 hrs 13,000
22 hrs 18,000
Extensions 1,000 per hour, only if there is no booking on the next slot)
Maximum of 20 person, and additional 300 per head in excess of 20 person.
Inclusions: 2 rooms (1 air conditioned, 1 fan) with toilet and bath, 2 queen size bed, refrigerator, stove and grill.
No corkage (as of the moment)
at 18 Morocco St. Greenheights Ph. 3, Nangka, Marikina City.
*Videoke (bring you own) are strictly prohibited after 8:00pm
posted by bot 2 years ago
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